Current Exhibitions 2024

Villa for permanent art

"Die Würfel sind gefallen"

The opening of the exhibition takes place

on Thursday, May 2024 9th at 7p.m

Villa for permanent art, Bahnhofstr. 11, Bergen an der Dumme/Wendland on the occasion of the open studio days in Wendland. The exhibition is open until May 20, 2024.

Title of artwork: Spreading News

Exhibition in the Medical Center of Hagen "Art of Paper"

Single Exhibition

Hagen im Bremischen, Döhrenacker 10

May 6th to August 6th, 2024 Opening hours:

Monday and Tuesday 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m

Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m and 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m

Entrance free.

Title of artwork: Metamorphosis

The International Association of

Hand Papermakers and Paper Artists (IAPMA) e.V.

and Burg zu Hagen im Bremischen e.V. , Burgallee 1, present



The exhibition will showcase paper artworks by international artists from April 21st to August 11th, 2024

Juried Exhibition.

Title of artwork: True Flowers

Exhibitions 2023

Stadtscheune Otterndorf gallery

Art of Paper and Painting


Single Exhibition


December 7, 2023 to january 7, 2024

"Metamorphosis", 3 parts, Paper Cut,

Paper, glue, color

IAPMA Congress Exhibition, Dresden museum, Paper Alive

12th september until 29th october 2023,

group Exhibition of juried Iapma members in the castle of Pillnitz, Dresden.

"Organic", Paper cut

Paper, glue, Color

Group Exhibition in the Katharinenhof, sculpture park, in Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Venner Str. 51. TheRhineArtPrize

Organizer: TheRhineArt gUG

Sponsor of a Sculpture prize: Horst Matrong and Frank Piotrowski. Participating artists:

Eva Ademi, Sophia Bernhardt, Rudi Beutingerl Henning Bock, Hans Bulla, Irina Bunn, Christine Diane Dille, Rigo Engler, Andreas Futter, Robert Goepel, Jens Grundschock, Irmeli Hochstetter, Ute Hoelscher, Sylwia Jankowski, Ellen Janssen, Trees Jong, Joachim Jurgelucks, Takwe Kaenders, Irene Kau, Jonas Kohn, Susanne Kraiszer, Christine Kruse, Robin Kurka (in memoriam), Martin Langer, Klara Lempert, Simone Carole Levy, Roger Löcherbach, Peter Marth, Julian Modica, Marie Ogoshi, Irena Paskali, Jeannette de Payrebrune, heidi Reichert, Marie Schirrmacher-Meitz, Tillman Schmitten, Jan Schröder, Janusz Siewierski, Vera Sous, Wlodek Stopa, Antje Tesche-Mentzen, Frank van Well, Christiane Vogel, Claus Wettermann, Antonya C. Wolfram.

 Duration of the exhibition: May to October 2023.

Selection of exhibited sculptures by various artists from all over Germany from this and past years.










Left picture: My work: "First Steps" Small sculpture from 1986 created during my studies at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen.

Annual exhibition 2023 of the BBK Hamburg "Now: All" from February 3 to March 12, 2023 in the Kunsthaus Hamburg, Opening: February 3, 7 p.m. Around 160 members of the professional association will be present in an unjuried exhibition accompanied by panel discussions

Title of artwork: Goethe reloaded.

50 x 50 x 20cm, wallmounted.  Goethe firmly believed that colors arise from the struggle between light and darkness. Newton's color theory, according to which white light consists of colors, was a mistake for him. White light was something indivisible, eternal, pure.


Goethe's fight for the colors between brightness and darkness inspired me to create a wall-hanging object.

Review 2022


Art Prize Germany 2022 (art powers)

Nomination for the final jury meeting.

Preview exhibition with the works nominated for the German Art Prize 2022 from September 26 to 30, 2022 in the Jaeschke Gallery, Braunschweig, Schuhstraße 42


Artwork: Radiale Eternal / Ewiges Strahlen 1000 x 100 cm

Italy, Rosa Alchemico the 31st Edition of Miniartextil, Arte & Arte, Como, Italy, Opening 15th October 2022

USA, Laslagunaartgallery


Las Laguna Art Gallery Art Gallery, 577 South Coast Highway, Suite A1, Laguna Beach, CA 92651


June 2 to June 30, 2022, www.laslagunaartgallery.



Bulgaria, Sofia 

Sofia Paper Art Fest 2022, Art book exhibition

History Museum of Sofia, Juried Exhibition (Group Exhibition)

May 2022

Review 2021

Origins and Destinations

2021 IAPMA Coral Jubilee, 35th Anniversary Touring Exhibition 

University of Tasmania, Australia 9 April - 6 June 2021

Makers Workshop - Cradle Coast Campus der Universität von Tasmanien im West Park, 2-4 Bass Highway, Burnie TAS 7320,

weitere Ausstellungsorte:

Fengxian Museum Shanghai (Biennale)

September - November 2021

The Paper Academy Gilleleje, Denmark

Museu-Moli Paperer de Capellades, Capellades, Barcelona, Spain

Review 2020

Found in a drawer. It was supposed to be art, I had a lot of wonderful ideas. Experimented, painted, discarded, disassembled, and yet again and again picked up.Now it stays as it is. In its original beauty.      Gracias a la vida.


Come home (Kommen Sie nach Hause)


Die Ausstellung findet im Rahmen der Internationalen Photoszene Köln statt. Pro Ausstellung nehmen ca. 60-100 Künstler teil. Zu sehen gibt es Fotos, Collagen, Videos, Objekte. Erster jährlicher Ausstellungsort ist die Privatwohnung von Steff Adams. Dann wandern sie in Wohnungen beteiligter Künstler. Bisher war die Ausstellung zu Gast in Accra, Amsterdam, Auckland, Beirut, Berlin, Bochum Chicaco usw..

Weitere Infos unter:

St. Andreasberg, Germany

Juried Exhibition Nature - Human.

131h September - 25th October 2020


Bulgaria, Sofia 

12th AMATERAS International Annual Paper Art Exhibition

Juried Paper Art Exhibition.

in San Stefano Gallery, Sofia 

Juried Exhibition (Group Exhibition)


15th May - 12th June 2020


Title: Couple, Part 2

Title: Couple, Part 1

Review 2019

Shanghai, VR China 

International Paper Art Exhibition


Juried Exhibition (Group Exhibition)


10th September - 10th November 2019



Title: Lady Gaga

Fengxian-Museum, Shanghai

Title: 10 little Indians, Artist-Book

Beer-Sheva, Israel

Internationale Papierkunstausstellung, Thema: Home


23. Juni - 17. Juli  2019

Titel: Home Sweet Home

Kap-Hoorn ART - Die Elfte - Kunst in den Hallen 2019. 65 Künstler stellen aus.


15. - 16. Juni 2019

Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung)

Die ca. 1.800 qm großen Ausstellungs-Hallen bieten einen besonderen Ort der künstlerischen Auseinandersetzung mit einem jährlich wechselnden Thema.

Titel: Followers, Detail

Ausstellung als Gastausstellerin in der Galerie Ruvaneck in Hollern-Twielenfleth an den Pfingsttagen 9./10. Juni 2019

2. - 14. Mai 2019, Amateras Foundation, Kulturpalast, Papierkunst, Sofia, Bulgarien (G)


Foto rechts: Radiate Eternal, Ausstellungsansicht Fotograf: Bruno-Georges  David


Review 2018

Luccabiennale 2018 "Chaos and Silence",


Juried Exhibition, (Gruppenausstellung)


4. August bis 27. September 2018


Von 400 Bewerbern wurden 11 Teilnehmer für die Indoor-Ausstellungen ausgesucht. 

Die Ausstellungen fanden in der Innenstadt von Lucca im Palazzo Ducale (Piazza Napoleone) und im Mercato del Carmine statt.



Ausgestelltes Werk: Radiale Eternal / Ewiges Strahlen 1000 x 100 cm

Papier Global 4 - Global Paper 4

Internationale Papierkunst Ausstellung in den Museen Deggendorf,

Juried Exhibition, (Gruppenausstellung)


12. Mai bis 7. Oktober 2018


Der Film zur Ausstellung: 



Ausgestelltes Werk: Radiale Eternal /

Ewiges Strahlen 600 x 100 cm

Amateras Art Alley Gallery Sofia, Bulgarien


Juried Exhibition, (Gruppenausstellung)


9. bis 22. Mai 2018



Werk rechts: UFO, 30 x 30 x 8 cm, Paper Art

Review - Rückblick 2017

Israel, City Hall of Beer-Sheva, Science Museum Caress and the Negev Artist's house in Beer-Sheva


Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung)


4. September bis 15. November 2017


Ausgestelltes Werk: Radiale Eternal / Ewiges Strahlen 600 x 100cm

8te internationale Biennale Zeitgenössischer Textilkunst "Mini Textile Art Scythia", Kherson/Ivano-Frankivs'k, Ukraine 


12. bis 24. Juni 2017 Juried Exhibition 


Werk rechts: Winterglow 30 x 20cm

art-figura 2017

Exhibition title: RE-FORMATION

Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung)

Museum Perla Castrum at Schwarzenberg, Obere Schloßstr. 36

1. September bis 3. November 2017, Kunstausstellung anlässlich des

7. Schwarzenegger Kunstpreises art-figura 2017



Werk rechts: Lady Gaga, Durchmesser ca. 30cm, Höhe 45cm

POSITION. Forum/Exhibition 2016

New Members. BBK Hamburg, Fabrik der Künste.

10. Bis 18. Dezember 2016

(Group Display)


is a series of events organized by the Professional Association of Visual Artists in Hamburg. The exhibition presents the new members of the association with their current positions. On several evenings, the forum will deal with themes related to the visual arts.

Artwork: Dinner for thirteen, Installation

A Feast on Paper Art, Guangzhou and Shanghai, China,

Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung),

September 2016 - February 2017

Review  2016

AMATERAS, Annual Paper Art Exhibition 2016, Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung)



Art Alley Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2.5. - 19.5.2016

PAPIER AUTARK, Ausstellungen zu

30 Jahre IAPMA, 

Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung)


Papiertechnische Stiftung München

Januar  -  April 2016

Papiermühle Homburg 1.5 - 25. 9.2016

Schloss Burgau 9.10. - 13.11.2016


Werk rechts: Radiale Eternal / Ewiges Strahlen 600 x 100cm



Contemporary Textile Art Biennial, Guimaraes, Portugal

Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung) 30.7.-16.10.2016


The silence of the ships, diptych, 90 x 280 cm (2014)

Canvas painted, washed, dried, sanded, mounted on frame

Review 2015

Exhibition "Heimat" Art Society Kunstrefugium, Munich 25.6 -  5.7.2015

Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung)


5th International Textile andFibre Art Triennale, 


Riga, Litauen, "Diversity and Unity".

 23.4. - 10.6.2015


Juried Exhibition (Gruppenausstellung) 


Relikte zwischen Mond und Meer - (The silence of the ships)  

Exhibition with Martin Lichtmann in the Castle of Ritzebüttel - Cuxhaven - 

February to April 2015